
Since the early 1980’s there has been an increasing number of individuals and families within the Georgian Triangle for whom the absence of a permanent affordable place to live has been very real life experience.
Loss of individual jobs due to plant closures, an increasing focus on tourism and service industry jobs coupled with a lack of affordable housing starts have created a critical shortage of affordable units in our area.
From 1989 to 1996 the Housing Resource Centre was sponsored by the Collingwood and District Information Centre. The funding was provided by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. In 1996, funding was removed by the Government of the day and the centre was forced to close its doors and Staff was laid off.

The current Housing Resource Centre was born out of a serious need for affordable housing which was identified by response to the Vision 2020 surveys.
Funding for the Housing Resource Project was a job creation program through Ontario Works. This was to create two jobs for individuals who were on Employment Insurance and would be managed by a supervisor who was not eligible. Gail Michalenko was hired to lead the team.

The original 3 sponsors were the Town of Collingwood, The United Way and as a short term sponsor, the Collingwood & District Information Centre.
The doors opened January 2001 and within one month the Georgian Triangle Housing Resource Centre was up and running. By August, the agency was incorporated as a not for profit charitable organization.
The County is very supportive but is dealing with provincial funding that has never increased beyond the 2000 level.
Our staff works hard to provide consistent and stable funding through donation and grants. It however continues to be a rewarding but challenging exercise.